“We believe every child is capable of success and we provide them with the best opportunity to succeed and excel in life."
About us
Limuru Children’s Centre exists to improve the life chances of orphans and vunerable children by giving them an equal opportunity at life through loving and caring for them and providing for their health, education, nutrition and shelter needs.
Abandoned in varying circumstances – some left in hospitals, others on the road side, in pit latrines or on rubbish dumps, each baby that passes through our home will know love and family with us whilst in our care.
Our feeding program provides balanced nutrition and support to needy families and vulnerable children in the community. For many of these children, this is the only nutritionally balanced meal they will receive for the day.
K-Branch is the name given to our satellite branch located in the village of Kamirithu. From this centre, we run a pre-school and feeding program for the families and children in need in this community.